Tag Archives: Urco

The wonderful Castilla family in Calca

I have been so fortunate to have met a wonderful family here in Calca who wanted to help me with my Spanish in return for me helping them with their English. The parents are Miriam and Juan and their two children Rodrigo, 12 and Stephanye, 18.  Stephanye studies Economics at university in Cusco and returns home on weekends. Juan has taken early retirement from his banking job and Rodrigo goes to school here in Calca. He is very cute, very serious in his studies and learns flute from Valerio – hence the contact.

It is so heartwarming to meet these people and spend time with them. They are so happy and Juan is a joker who keeps everyone laughing. He and Miriam seem like newly weds and Juan is obviously enjoying having so much time to spend with his family.  They have a menagerie and he breeds roosters (and I am not brave enough to ask what for as I know I wont like the answer).  I am not sure how many dogs they have, but two are particularly friendly and playful. I have also seen several cats.  Yesterday I discovered some cows around the back of the house.

Our language sessions have been really funny as my Spanish is pretty hopeless, although I am beginning to understand more and more.  It helps that people speak far more clearly here than in Lima.  The family’s English is also pretty funny as they can understand a lot when written down but they don’t understand my English pronunciation and I don’t understand theirs!  Spending this time with them has made me realize just how stupid the English language is! There is just far too much inconsistency!  I now have renewed admiration for all speakers of English as a second + language.   I keep coming across more and more ridiculous elements that I was unaware of, as I attempt to assist the family in their spoken English.  At least in Spanish the pronunciation is consistent, (which barely makes up for the verb conjugations!)

 On one day the family took me for a drive to Urco, which is practically next door to Calca.  There was a round structure on a hill that was used by the Incas to store grain.  Next to this was a field of flowers.   I will let my photos tell the rest.


Filed under Cusco